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Clutch Bar End Storage


Current price: 29,95 €


The Clutch Bar End Storage is a cleverly stashed, simple-to use tubeless tire repair kit, that includes one tire plug tool and five spare tire plugs. The Clutch Bar End kit fits with virtually all aluminum and carbon handlebars without adding significant weight.


  • Quickly and easily mounts inside the handlebar
  • Compatible with virtually all aluminum & carbon fiber handlebars
  • Includes tire plug tool 5 spare tire plugs

Informations Additionnelles

Tools: Tire plug tool, spare tire plug x10
System: Compatible most common MTB handlebars
Sizes: 100 x 28 x 14mm
Colors: Matte Black
Weight: 34g
Material: High density plastic

Produits conformes aux exigences de sécurité (décret n°95-937). GIANT Belgique se réserve le droit de modifier les spécifications sans préavis.